Speaker: Michael Royce Carroll – Intel: Senior Technical Consulting Engineer for Intel Rendering Toolkit
Intel Embree is an open source, high-fidelity high-performance ray tracing kernel library. The Embree API allows for C and C++ developers to access hardware optimized ray traversal and bounding volume hierarchy compute for use in professional rendering or scientific visualization. Embree has been used in rendering applications like Pixar* Renderman, Chaos* V-Ray, Kitware* Paraview, and more. Embree uses tools and libraries provided under the oneAPI specification such as Intel® oneAPI DPC++ Compiler and Intel® oneAPI Thread Building Blocks (oneTBB). Embree’s optimized kernels are used with other Intel ray tracing libraries found in the Intel® Rendering Toolkit. In this session, we introduce:
• Rendering Toolkit constituents and objectives
• Embree purpose and applications
• Embree development toolchains and device targets for varying performance and application needs
• Getting started options as a developer exploring Embree
• Sample program source code review
Attendees familiar with C99 and C++11 should be able to follow examples.
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Michael Royce Carroll is a Senior Technical Consulting Engineer at Intel Corporation. Michael enables, consults, and supports developers with the Intel Rendering Toolkit and its constituent libraries, providing high-performance high-fidelity ray tracing compute capability. In the past, Michael’s expertise has been in various technical aspects of rendering, heterogeneous computing, performance analysis, and competitive assessment. He has provided technical enabling for OpenCL, SYCL, OpenVINO’s Inference engine, Intel VPL, and the Intel® Xeon Phi software stack. Michael represented Intel within the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation as a benchmarking software owner, providing expertise for Intel® Xeon®, Intel® Core™ and Intel Atom® processors, performance instrumentation, and Intel® C++ Compiler. He holds an MS in Computer Science with a focus in Multimedia and Creative Technologies from University of Southern California. He holds a BS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Louisiana State University. Michael’s first ACM SIGGRAPH annual conference was in 2008.
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Hosted by Silicon Valley and Los Angeles ACM SIGGRAPH chapters.